With the patch and dgVoodoo2 installed, there aren’t any further compatibility options required, so just start the game as normal. On the “General” tab of the Setup tool, under “Scaling mode” be sure to choose “Stretched, keep aspect ratio” if you don’t want the game stretched into widescreen when playing in higher resolutions. There aren’t any special dgVoodoo2 settings you need to configure, but you may want to use the dgVoodooSetup file to configure the games scaling. Follow the tutorial here to install dgVoodoo2. Secondly, you need to install dgVoodoo2 into the games directory.

Unzip the file to the games directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Capcom\Bof4 by default), overwriting the existing BO4.exe file that’s already in there (take a backup of this file first to be on the safe side). Firstly, download the patched executable from this page. There are two patches you will need to install to get the game working on Windows 10. When asked what type of install you want to perform, we recommend choosing “Fully”.

If the installation doesn’t start automatically, browse to the CD in Computer/This PC and run the “Autorun.exe” file manually. Simply place the CD in your computers optical drive, wait for the menu to appear, click on “Install Breath of Fire IV” and follow the on-screen instructions. The game will install just fine on any modern PC.

In Japan, the PC gaming scene is rather niche, which explains why (until recently at least) many Japanese games don’t get a PC port.

While some make the transition from console to PC, many stay firmly as console exclusives. It is a shame for PC gamers that the platform often misses out on Japanese roleplaying games. Genre: Role Playing Release Year: 2003 Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Age Rating: 12+ Playability Status: Perfect Tested On: Windows 10 圆4 Availability: Copyright retained - Out of print/unavailable